My Story

I am ready to tell my story. I am a 16-year-old girl who has a story that is still unfolding. I recently experienced trauma. A few months after getting my driver’s license, I was involved in a car crash that left me with both physical injuries and emotional scars. My brother was in the car as well, which has compounded the emotional impact of the accident. This life-altering event taught me the fragility of the human experience and the importance of paying attention to our mental health.

Since the accident, I have been struggling to come to terms with what took place. I have feelings of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress. I am working on finding healthy ways to cope with my emotions. I am currently engaged in therapy, but writing down my deepest thoughts has proved the most cathartic.

Tackling Teen Trauma is a platform I created to share my story and help other teens who may be going through similar experiences. In sharing my journey of healing and recovery, the lessons I’m learning along the way, and the tips and strategies helping me overcome my struggles, I am hoping to help others. And I would absolutely love to hear what’s working for you. So please reach out via instagram, this website or at [email protected]. This is a community designed for teenagers, by teenagers. It’s a safe and supportive space to share your story. There is no judgment and you can remain anonymous. By talking openly about how we feel, we can help break the stigma surrounding mental health and support one another on our journeys. Anxiety, fear, depression, and post-traumatic stress may be isolating, but you are not alone. By coming together, we can help each other heal.